
BT401 Current midterm Past papers | BT401 Midterm Past papers

BT401 – 10, January 

1: What is genetic drift and also mentioned it cause. – 2ℳ

2: What is PKU? -3 ℳ

3: Describe rhinitis pigmentosa and it’s prevalence? – 3 ℳ

4: Major sources of Genetic diversity. -2 ℳ

5: Discuss Steller’s sea cow and Dodo. – 5 ℳ

6: Discuss the genes – environment interactions. – 5 ℳ

Bt401 – 11 January 

1.Difference between genetic stock and plant breeder line. 5 marks

2.GPFRA for resolving food issues.

3.Aquatic genetic resources

4.ultrarapid freezing

5.passenger pigeon

6. Reproductive isolation 5 marks

BT401 – 12 January 

  • Difference between genetic drift and gene flow? 
  • What are precautionary measures to prevent genetic diversity? 
  • How many types of in situ conservation methods you studied? 
  • Allopatric spaciations 


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BT401 Midterm past papers

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