This article will mainly cover the questions that might have if you want to choose an affordable Turkish sim as we have already covered main Turkish telecoms in our previous article. This is a review based article where I concluded all Informations about BIMcell SIM (BIMCELL), covering from BIM review to BIMcell tourist Sim card. So stick till the end of this article to find interesting informations that might be very helpful for you.
What is BIMCell Sim?
BIM5 is a virtual mobile operating using all the physical system of TurkTelecom to give serve it's customers at the most affordable rates all over Turkey.
Review: It is good to choose BIMcell Sim or Not?
Reasons to choose:
- It's affordable.
- You can easily buy it from BIM supermarket outlets.
Reasons to not choose:
- Bad coverage.
- BIM is not offering any tourist sim card. So, it's meant to be for Turkish citizens and residents.
NO, BIMcell SIM CARD is not available for tourists. BIM Sim card can only be buy by using Turkish resident card.