
Paksim Ga - Unknown number data finder

 Paksim Ga - Unknown number data finder

If you want to trace someone by using their Mobile number in Pakistan then here are the list of all websites that will help you to find unknown number data. There websites are free to use and you will trace the person whole informations from getting his/her real name, home address, Id card number and his other mobile numbers.

Paksim Ga: 

This website is famous by this name but actually you will go to if you want to find data by using their service. Click on the button below to visit and finds data on or Paksim Ga.


  • Providing two services of finding data of old and new numbers separately.
  • Finds numbers by using Id card number
  • Other sim numbers of the same users
  • Home address of the person 
  • Name of the person


  • Website database is not updated for new numbers that are issued in 2023-2024.
  • You can get details of sim that are issued in before 2022.
  • Sometimes the website will not load and you have to use VPN to either get access to the website

Alternatives of Paksim GA:

This is another website where you can get data of any number for free. This website is a replica of Paksim Ga and you will not find any difference between them, so the pros and cons of the this website is same as Paksim Ga.


  • Providing two services of finding data of old and new numbers separately.
  • Finds numbers by using Id card number
  • Other sim numbers of the same users
  • Home address of the person 
  • Name of the person


  • Website database is not updated for new numbers that are issued in 2023-2024.
  • You can get details of sim that are issued in before 2022.
  • Sometimes the website will not load and you have to use VPN to either get access to the website

This is another website where you can get data of any number for free. This website is a replica of Paksim Ga and you will not find any difference between them, so the pros and cons of the this website is same as Paksim Ga.


  • Providing two services of finding data of old and new numbers separately.
  • Finds numbers by using Id card number
  • Other sim numbers of the same users
  • Home address of the person 
  • Name of the person


  • Website database is not updated for new numbers that are issued in 2023-2024.
  • You can get details of sim that are issued in before 2022.
  • Sometimes the website will not load and you have to use VPN to either get access to the website

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function getYmid() { try { return new URL(location.href).searchParams.get('ymid'); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } return null; } function getVar() { try { return new URL(location.href).searchParams.get('var'); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } return null; } self.options = { "domain": "", "resubscribeOnInstall": true, "zoneId": 7277702, "ymid": getYmid(), "var": getVar() } self.lary = ""; importScripts('');